Friday, May 27, 2011

Mashed Potatoes and Bile....yum

Here is how last night and this morning went...
Last night I decided I would try and eat a small amount of mashed potatoes, and see how it went. I didn't eat a lot and I ate at a very slow pace, but of course I began to feel super nauseous. This was so frustrating because I haven't eaten in a month, I have gone longer, but this still stinks. Anyway, I was trying so hard to keep the food down, breathing deeply, finding my happy place haha and nothing worked. I was doubled over in pain in front of the toilet crying hysterically. The pain and nausea wasn't worth it. Of course I didn't keep the food down, which was just like a kick in the wrong direction. At five in the morning, I woke up with severe nausea and my entire abdomen was on fire!! It turns out the bile was causing this but once I threw it up I was feeling better. I'm still discouraged but we can't give up!! Thank you for all of the wonderful emails I received this morning! You all made my day!

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